
Our Lovely Services

Cash-less payment are made easy with Nuage…

We offer reliable and efficient cross-border payment solutions that save your time, energy and allow you to focus on more important things relevant to your business's growth…

We connect our customers with bank accounts and mobile money wallets courtesy of a single API…

This enhances our agility, efficiency and gives more control to our customers in sending and receiving payments


With more than 200 million wallets in service with us, we provide services to :

  • Remittance Companies
  • Banks
  • Financial Institutions
  • Business owners
  • E-Commerce platforms
  • Retailers
  • Mobile Operators
  • Commodity Companies

We are transforming the way businesses are conducted in this new age where a technology-driven approach is the only way forward for sustainable growth and development…

But the question is…

Are you ready to embrace this change and take your business to new heights of success…?